Model configuration
The model parameters (e.g. aquifer settings, convergence criteria, location of input files) can be configured by changing the config.json (an example is shown below).
Main config parameters
- model_config
- nodes: A file describing the input grid
- row_cols: if true, neighbouring is determined by their position in an even grid; if false, neighbouring is determined by their lat and lon position (currently only supports 5’ resolution)
- threads: How many computation threads to use to solve the equation
- layers: Number of layers of the model domain
- confinement: Define which of the layers is a confined layer
- numerics
- solver: Currently only Preconditioned Conjugent Gradient, code for a newton approach is available but untested
- iterations: Number of picard iterations
- closingcrit: Inf norm of the residuals
- headchange: Closing criterion for max. head change for 3 consecutive iterations
- damping: Damping of residuals in between picard iterations
- input: Internaly the model code assumes time dependant parameters to be per day
- data_config: Describes wether default data is used or a input file should be read
- default_data: specifiy default parameters
- data: Inputdata - can be modified according to the users need. The shown inputs are the supported defaults
Example config.json file
This is the same as in Tutorial 1 - a simple model.
"config": {
"model_config": {
"nodes": "grid_simple.csv",
"row_cols": "true",
"steadystate": "true",
"number_of_nodes": 100,
"number_of_rows": 10,
"number_of_cols": 10,
"edge_length_rows": 3.162277,
"threads": 1,
"layers": 2,
"one_layer_approach": "false",
"confinement": [
"cache": "false",
"adaptivestepsize": "false",
"boundarycondition": "GeneralHeadBoundary",
"sensitivity": "false"
"numerics": {
"solver": "PCG",
"iterations": 100,
"inner_itter": 10,
"closingcrit": 1e-90,
"headchange": 0.000001,
"damping": "false",
"min_damp": 0.01,
"max_damp": 0.5,
"stepsize": "daily",
"wetting_approach": "nwt"
"input": {
"data_config": {
"k_from_lith": "true",
"k_ghb_from_file": "false",
"specificstorage_from_file": "false",
"specificyield_from_file": "false",
"k_river_from_file": "true",
"aquifer_depth_from_file": "false",
"initial_head_from_file": "true",
"data_as_array": "false"
"default_data": {
"initial_head": 100,
"K": 0.008,
"ghb_K": 800,
"aquifer_thickness": [
"anisotropy": 10,
"specificyield": 0.15,
"specificstorage": 0.000015
"data": {
"recharge": "recharge_simple.csv",
"elevation": "elevation_simple.csv",
"rivers": "rivers_simple.csv",
"lithology": "lithology_simple.csv",
"river_conductance": "rivers_simple.csv",
"initial_head": "heads_simple.csv"