Write out data
The settings in tests/out.json define the export of results:
- “name”: name of the created output file
- “type”: file type (current options are “csv” and “gfs-json”, help for netCDF output implementation is appreciated)
- “field”: name of the field (the list of field options can be found in src/DataProcessing/DataOutput/FieldCollector.hpp, e.g., “Velocity”)
- “ID”: if true, the node ID is written into the output file
- “position”: if true, node positions (Y and X, or latitude and longitude) are written into the file
"output": {
"StaticResult": [
"name": "wtd",
"type": "csv",
"field": "DepthToWaterTable",
"ID": "false",
"position": "true"
"InnerIteration": {
"OuterIteration": {
The output file (here “wtd.csv”) is written into the build directory.
For advanced users: If you want to add custom fields you can do so in src/DataProcessing/DataOutput.